Historic racing & sports car specialists

Metro 6R4 Goodwood Festival Of Speed July 2013

The 20th Anniversary of the Festival Of Speed turned out to be a really successful event for Team Saunders and Hart in the Unipart MG Metro 6R4 C96 KOG. Their second consecutive annual outing at the FOS and the car ran faultlessly during the weekend, even in the 30 degree temperatures that prevailed each day.

Unfortunately, due to the extreme dry weather conditions, the course deteriorated from day one, with several deep pot holes and badly rutted areas – which resulted in Saunders/Hart damaging the lower front bumper section on the car and the underbody guard got a real pounding! Despite this a really good event all round.

On the Saturday the Metro was reunited with its original co-driver Neil Wilson, who signed the navigator door pocket.

The Metro is currently owned and driven by John Saunders, co-driven by Tony Hart.
